Important information - FAQ

Your personal program for the Gladiator Day:

Gladiator Day in the Roman city of Carnuntum offers entertainment for young and old, for long-time Carnuntum fans as well as for "newcomers". Therefore, we have put together your personal program:

Gladiator Day for connoisseurs:

Make a day of it with your loved ones and experience the fascination of ancient gladiatorial combat. Performances take place at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00, additionally there are children's programs at 10:00, 12:00 and 14:00. Since the entrance fee is already included, you can still combine the excursion with a visit to the Roman Quarter and/or the museum.
TIP: Buy tickets online in advance and save time at the box office.

Gladiator Day for History Fans:

Combine your visit on Gladiator's Day with a visit to a guided tour in Carnuntum (10:00 am to 3:00 pm every hour in the Roman Quarter and the Carnuntinum Museum). Our tip: At 12:00 noon in the Roman Quarter there is the "Time Travel Tour with Phila (4,- per person and tour). Afterwards you can easily make it to the 15:00 performance of the gladiators.
TIP: Guided tour tickets are limited. Be sure to book online in advance!

Gladiator day for Carnuntum freaks:

The full program for real Carnuntum enthusiasts! Start at 10:00 a.m. for example with a guided tour in the Museum Carnuntinum and learn about the historical background of Carnuntum. At 13:00 you will then experience the fascination of the arena on Gladiator Day, from where you will continue to the Roman Quarter, where at 15:00 you will still take part in the guided tour of the Roman houses. More Carnuntum is not possible! With the flat rate for guided tours (6,- Euro per person) you can take part in as many guided tours as you like!
TIP: In any case, pre-book online to have planning security.

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