Dress up: Immediately after arriving in the Roman city, children (and their parents) have the opportunity to transform themselves into Romans.

1) Painting papyri: Simple bookmarks with pre-printed motifs are painted and can be taken home by the children. 

2) Table games: Orca, round mill and the dice tower. 

3) Try on armor: If you want to know what a real legionnaire felt like, you'll find it here. 

4) Shoot a wild boar: Wild boar also populated the Danube floodplains in ancient times, but they were hunted without magic potions. 

5) Meadow games: Hoop driving, sack races, throwing menhirs and hobbyhorses were simple games that are already documented in ancient times. 

6) Making soapstone: Under expert guidance, a soapstone blank can be polished and oiled and then worn as a pendant (on a ribbon). 

7) Painting mosaics: In Roman times, mosaics were created using different colored stones

8) Roman legends: Ancient legends and myths are told in a child-friendly way. 

9) Sandpit with tumbled stones: For the very youngest children. Here they can feel like real archaeologists. 

10) Glueing shards: Under guidance, they try to find matching shards and then put them back together or glue them together. 

11) Schola romana: "We don't learn for life, but for school"? Carnuntum's school teaches the Latin language, calculates with abacus and writes on papyrus and wax tablets. 

12) Making jewelry: Roman jewelry was formed from metal wire and decorated with glass beads, as is still common today. 

13) Baking bread and tasting moretum: Baked out in olive oil, Roman breads are a delicacy. 

14) Pulsum: The meal of the gladiators and legionaries consisted of rolled barley, beans or cracked wheat. These were simmered together with vegetables to make a porridge, which could be refined with bacon or sheep's cheese. 

15) Baking globi: Globi were small balls of semolina and curd cheese that were fried in oil and coated with honey. 

16) Start of Kinderpompa: Starts at regular intervals, announced in advance on the premises. 

17) Perfume and cosmetics: We uncover the secrets of Roman beauty. 

18) The house slave tells stories: Stories from the life and daily routine of the Lucius family, told at first hand. 

19) Senate meeting: The city council had to meet regularly to make important decisions for the city.

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